The Art Of Breadcrumbing — Signs

Birdie Liau
4 min readOct 9, 2020

The feeling of awe and sense of wonder when you throw scraps of bread in the pond and all the fishes gathers around you. This somewhat describe the idea of what breadcrumbing is but sadly in this instances you’re the fish in the pond & it can be tough to navigate whether the person is leading you on only for their own benefits.

This usually happens when the person wants to keep you around as one of their options and can’t bring themselves up to admit that they aren’t willing to commit to you romantically. They will probably win the Academy Award to be the best actor, by pretending to be sweet and interested while keeping you on a pedestal. Ugh

It’s wise to know signs of breadcrumb so you’ll know what to look out for & make peace with the situation so that you can move on before investing all your feelings on someone that is obviously toying with your feelings and 100% unavailable.

Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash
  1. On & Off Communication ? Here but not here, there but not there.

Your new boo can seems very invested & interested in you, showering you with sweet texts and then disappeared on you once you show interest in them. Another common sign is that they only text/ contact you at wee hours of the day sporadically, you may feel like you’re on cloud-9 whenever you receive their texts but resist that temptation to respond!

Your best bet is to to stop feeding their ego and not respond to their half-attempts at trying to stay relevant in your life because there’s absolutely no good reason for you to withstand this kind of behavior, it can be deteriorating to your mental health & you’re made for better!

Photo by Jae Park on Unsplash

2. Like! Double Like! Love Emoji!

Ping! Another new notification from your IG !

Oh wait, it’s from him! Don’t start to get all heart eyes when this happens!

This is another major red flag when the person leave you on read but still decided to blow up your phone via social media & ‘flirt’ with you by liking your photos/ sending over tons of heart emoji on your IG Story!

It’s another one of their trick up their sleeve to constantly reminds you of their existence when you go all silence on them but sorry to burst your bubbles… they are probably doing that to multiple people!

Hold your head up high! Always remember that DMs are an easy & cheap way to get their ego strokes, don’t fall for this kind of little schemes!

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

3. No Show? Phantom Of The Opera.

A brand new development! Aha! He’s finally making some concrete plans with you to meet up? Don’t get all hype up tho!

Because this short-lived happiness doesn’t last, when the ‘date’ is nearing — the person will suddenly drop off the face of the earth or come up with some ‘excuses’ on why he can’t make it last minutes. But after awhile, he will ‘re-appear’ in your life & then disappeared AGAIN.

But when you do bump into them by chance they’re going to be all smiles and act all sweet to you in public. Don’t fall for this kind of behavior where you feel like you have to fight for every ‘crumbs’ , their actions are just showing you that you are never going to be on their top priority any time soon. Don’t be afraid to call them out for their behaviors.

Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash

4. Go for It ? Or Nah!

Do you find yourself always reaching out first and taking the initiative to text them? And you still feel good because they always respond nicely without cutting you off entirely, this lights up a false hope inside of you. BUT if you ever caught yourself feeling that it’s one-sided and then it probably is.

No amount of texts can tell you what’s really going on, listen to your own gut feeling. It’s usually right most of the time. Why put yourself through the misery of feeling highs and lows?

Photo by RANGGI MANGGALA on Unsplash

All in all, don’t put up with this kind of behavior. You are worth more than just an after thoughts/ back-up plan. Remember your worth, hold your head up high and priorities your own mental health above all else! Love yourself and do not be one of the fishes in the pond.

Sending much love to everyone out there!

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash



Birdie Liau

IG: birdieliau ✞ Matthew 5:8 ❀ -23 🧘‍♀️- #RYT200